Plant Positive Strikes Back: Nutrition By In Addition To Future

Plant Positive has released a bright novel serial on YouTube titled 'Nutrition Past as well as Future', featuring 44 videos that address the misleading claims of Paleo, Primal as well as Low-Carb diet advocates including Gary Taubes, Robert Lustig, Loren Cordain, Mark Sisson, Robb Wolf, Andreas Eenfeldt, Anthony Colpo, as well as members of the Weston A. Price Foundation amid others. This novel serial expand on Plant Positive's ii previous video series, 'The Primitive Nutrition Series Playlist' as well as 'The Primitive Response Playlist'.

Plant Positive Strikes Back: Nutrition By In Addition To Future

The Journalist Gary Taubes

Taubes gained prominence equally an advocate of the low-carb diet next the publication of his article "What If It's All Been a Big Fat Lie?" inward the New York Times inward 2002. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 follow-up article expressed the concerns of scholars that Taubes interviewed who complained that Taubes misinterpreted their statements as well as ignored much of the question that they presented, including question linking cherry-red meat alongside colorectal cancer. It was already clear from this betoken that Taubes was a serpent crude salesperson as well as Plant Positive makes this fact fifty-fifty clearer inward Nutrition Past as well as Future which inward detail addresses Taubes's mass Good Calories, Bad Calories

Ancel Keys as well as John Yudkin

In Nutrition Past as well as Future, Plant Positive addresses the disputation over the classical question produced past times Ancel Keys as well as John Yudkin. The kickoff video below addressed Keys classical newspaper from 1953, Atherosclerosis: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 work inward newer world health regarding the cross-sectional report of dietary obese intake as well as coronary pump illness mortality inward 6 countries, non to last confused alongside the Seven Countries Study which was a longitudinal prospective cohort report published a issue of years later. Plant Positive explains Keys views on nutrition as well as the literature at the fourth dimension of this publication, equally good equally the plausible reasons equally to why Keys selected the 6 specific countries to last included inward the analysis. As Plant Positive explains, Keys omitted countries from the analysis that experienced major population shifts as well as changes to diet caused past times the war, equally good equally those countries alongside really pocket-size populations. Keys also addressed this consequence inward a after in response to the international comparisons carried out past times Hilleboe who included countries that had experienced these meaning populations shifts as well as changes to diet.1

Plant Positive also pointed out that Keys limited the analysis alone to countries that used reliable decease records which classified deaths closely to that of international standards, as well as that Keys clearly asserted that:2
So far it has been possible to larn fully comparable dietary as well as vital statistics information from 6 countries
Another betoken that the cholesterol skeptics ignore is that fifty-fifty when all the other countries were considered, intake saturated obese was silent a rigid predictor of coronary pump illness mortality [reviewed previously]. Even Hilleboe admitted this inward 1957:1
Human diets alongside unrestricted fats, especially around of the saturated obese acids, seem to last associated alongside coronary atherosclerosis, peculiarly inward adult males
Keys silent criticized Hilleboe's claim that this association ‘is non a causal relationship’ equally Hilleboe provided scant show to refute the possibility of a causal relationship.1

The Journalist Gary Taubes 4: Ancel Keys Was Very Bad 2

As tin sack last concluded from Plant Positive’s videos, it is ignorant to propose that Ancel Keys cherry-picked these 6 countries without giving the argue for the selection criteria. In Denise Minger’s postal service regarding Ancel Keys 1953 newspaper where she attempted to plagiarize Plant Positive’s work, like Yerushalmy as well as Hilleboe, Minger ignorantly claimed that ‘Keys cherry-picked 6 countries as well as never told us why.’ It is clear that Minger has either merely non read or is ignorant of the information presented inward the Keys newspaper that she criticized, yet silent claimed that she ‘did a deeper analysis of the 1950s information than Keys himself in all probability did.3 This is the same marking of ignorance that Minger applied to her criticisms of the PRC Study [reviewed previously].

Plant Positive also provided an informative review of the disputation over John Yudkin's claims nigh carbohydrate intake as well as the involve chances of  coronary pump disease.

In a after review, Keys i time to a greater extent than addressed Yudkin’s claims regarding carbohydrate intake as well as coronary pump illness inward international comparisons:4
In regard to international comparisons, in that location are countries alongside a high per capita consumption of carbohydrate as well as of saturated fats; those countries tend to receive got high CHD decease rates. And in that location are countries alongside depression per capita carbohydrate as well as saturated obese intakes; these receive got depression CHD rates. When all these countries are seat together, statistical calculation naturally shows CHD mortality is correlated alongside both carbohydrate as well as obese intake. However, partial correlation analysis shows that when carbohydrate is held constant, CHD is highly correlated alongside per capita saturated fats inward the diet but when obese is constant in that location is no meaning correlation betwixt carbohydrate inward the diet as well as the CHD incidence rate. It should last noted, too, that Yudkin carefully avoids mentioning the fact that 2 countries alongside the highest per capita carbohydrate consumption, Republic of Cuba as well as Venezuela, endure depression CHD mortality; it is notable that the dietary intake of estimated fats is depression inward both Republic of Cuba as well as Venezuela. 
Another flaw inward Yudkin’s hypothesis nigh carbohydrate as well as coronary pump illness that Plant Positive addressed was the contradictory show from animate existence experiments of atherosclerosis. When diets rich inward dietary cholesterol as well as saturated fat, such equally egg yolks are used to create atherosclerosis inward non-human primates, the atherosclerosis procedure has truly been reversed when these atherogenic components are replaced alongside chow really rich inward sugar.5 6 This does non propose that carbohydrate should last considered a pump salubrious food, but does emphasize the fact that carbohydrate lone cannot create atherosclerosis inward the absence of dietary cholesterol as well as elevated blood cholesterol, as well as thence cannot non explicate the coronary pump illness epidemic.

Primitive Populations Revisisted

In Nutrition Past as well as Future, Plant Positive reviewed a issue of high lineament studies that strongly contradict the claims of low-carb advocates such equally Taubes. These studies include the observations from the PRC Study as well as numerous before observations inward PRC that are inward full general understanding alongside physician Colin Campbell's findings. For example, the observations that the nomadic Sinkiang inward northern PRC who consumed diets rich inward organic grass-fed animate existence foods experienced a vii flexure greater incidence of coronary artery illness than the Chinese living inward Zhoushan Archipelago who consumed a diet much richer inward constitute based foods. These findings resemble fifty-fifty before observations from the 1920's of the nomadic plainsmen inward Dzungaria inward northwest PRC as well as across the edge inward Kyrgyz Republic who consumed enormous amounts of organic grass-fed animate existence foods as well as experienced severe vascular illness at immature ages [reviewed previously].

In Nutrition Past as well as Future, Plant Positive provides an really informative analysis of the blood cholesterol inward hunter-gatherer populations as well as the factors, such equally parasites which are responsible for the observed depression blood cholesterol inward many of these populations. As Plant Positive addressed, George Isle of Man contributed unnecessarily to the cholesterol confusion. Nevertheless, Isle of Man has provided an fantabulous critique of a miserable lineament autopsy report authored past times Biss et al. that cholesterol skeptics oftentimes cite to claim the traditional Masai did non prepare atherosclerosis. Isle of Man stated:Discussion Thread


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